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BoricuaTour Maps Customer Service Department

By eMail is better!

As a BoricuaTour Maps user, you may find that there are times when you need assistance or want to make a post but cannot do it by yourself. If that is the case, then requesting a turn via email can be an excellent option. Below are some benefits of requesting a turn via email when you need help to post on BoricuaTour Maps.

Summarizing, requesting a turn via email is a convenient and time-saving way to seek help and post content on BoricuaTour Maps. It also offers clear communication and accountability, ensuring that both parties are on the same page.

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No bots! We are humans!


BoricuaTour Maps is a dynamic map platform designed to assist tourists in discovering Puerto Rico's many unique locations. The platform is comprised of two aspects: a historically-focused map that highlights prominent landmarks and cultural sites that have played a significant role in shaping Puerto Rican culture. The second aspect is an updated layer of locations that provide real-time information on the latest businesses and attractions that have emerged since the map was first conceived, offering an excellent resource for anyone planning a trip to Puerto Rico.

This platform was created to promote tourism and entrepreneurship in Puerto Rico, and our live GPS feature serves as an invaluable guidebook for tourists exploring the island. All information submitted on this platform is strictly for public use, and we do not sell any of your data. Please note that we reserve the right of admission to our site.

BoricuaTour Maps is an extension of BoricuaTour's Social Media, working together to offer the ultimate resource for exploring Puerto Rico's many wonders.
